Recovery & Relapse in
Co-Occurring Disorders

for professionals in psychology, behavioral health, social work, and Nebraska licensed alcohol and drug counselor

Presented by Dr. David Mee-Lee


The following videos cover Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 of Dr. David Mee-Lee’s training “Recovery and Relapse in Co-Occurring Disorders: Definitions, Dilemmas, and Discrepancies.”

Part 1: Recovery & Relapse in
Co-Occurring Disorders

(Dr. David Mee-Lee)

Part 2: Recovery & Relapse in
Co-Occurring Disorders

(Dr. David Mee-Lee)

Part 3: Recovery & Relapse in
Co-Occurring Disorders

(Dr. David Mee-Lee)


Recovery in both substance use disorders and mental illness is
not always a smooth path. Psychiatrists and other mental health clinicians can often view recovery and relapse for psychiatric disorders differently from substance use disorders. This presentation discusses what we really mean by recovery in substance use and mental health treatment. It invites participants to examine their attitudes about recovery and relapse, and the language and jargon we use in treatment. In addition, the presentation looks at what “relapse” means in substance use and mental health and how to assess and treat flare-ups of patients’ substance use and/or mental health. It discusses the discrepancy between what clinicians often say about recovery and relapse and what they actually do in treatment.


  • Identify definitions, attitudes, and dilemmas in recovery and relapse in co-occurring disorders.
  • Discuss the discrepancy between concepts about recovery, relapse, and actual clinical practice.
  • Apply ways to improve consistency in dealing with recovery and relapse in co-occurring disorders treatment.


Date Presented: Wed., Feb. 3, 2021, 1pm – 4pm CDT
Date Training Expires: February 3, 2023

Supporting Material

About the Speaker

Dr. David Mee-Lee

M.D., President of DML Training and Consulting 

David Mee-Lee, M.D., is a board-certified psychiatrist and is certified by the American Board of Addiction Medicine (ABAM). Based in Davis, CA, he trains and consults both nationally and internationally. Dr. Mee-Lee has been Chief Editor of the American Society of Addiction Medicine’s (ASAM) Criteria for all previous and current editions. He is President of DML Training and Consulting and is a co-founder of the Institute for Wellness Education, Teaneck, NJ. Dr. Mee-Lee has over 40 years’ experience in person-centered treatment and program development for people with co-occurring mental health and substance use conditions.

These trainings were funded in whole or in part by funds from the SAMHSA Community Mental Health Block Grant, SAMHSA Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant and state funds sub-granted from the Nebraska Department of Health and Services, Division of Behavioral Health.